Dwarf Cichilds


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Ilive in the North East of Scotland
Hi all, Iwas thinking of stocking a 240ltr tank with dwarf chilids. I have noticed from the forum that they all appear to be bottom dwellers is this correct. If so what other species can I have in the same tank. I would like to stick to New World Chilids.
Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:
You won't get many new world cichlids in that size tank. Depending on what type you went for, you could probably get away with two apistogramma pairs (borelli would be best as they're fairly easy going.) Or you could look at doing a community setup with some dwarf cichlids as well. Thats the option I'd go for, depending on whether or not you've kept community fish before.

If you have and you're bored of them you could go for a normal new world cichlid mix - I've got a 180 with a blue acara, c.sajica, t.ellioti, some catfish and some dither fish. I'm sure others could suggest a suitable stocking list once you decide whether you want a community tank with some (relatively) peaceful cichlids or a full blown new world cichlid tank.

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