Dwarf Chilids For A Community Tank

I take it this would be the 240L tank you were talking about in your other thread?

If you're planning on putting anything neon tetra sized or smaller in there, avoid angel fish. If everything will be bigger than neon's, angel fish are an option. You could also go for some of the apistogramma genus - cacatuoides or agassizi are both popular choices. Keyhole cichlids are an option, as are German Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams.

Not all together mind. Have a look at those and tell us your favourites, and someone should be able to come up with a suitable stocking list.
What is your tank dimensions please? Also depends on what type of fish you want with them. eg. small shoaling fish like tetras or larger shoaling fish like rainbows/some barbs etc.

Keep in mind that all of the species you said you like stay near the bottom of the tank, you will most likely want to have some that swim near the top. Community fish such as swordtails, angelfish, betta splendens (female), gourami (honey/blue/dwarf etc.) are some examples of fish that swim towards the top.

You might want to take a look at some catfish (bronze/peppered/panda etc.), loaches (yoyo/zebra/kuhli) and maybe red tail black shark/rainbow shark too.

We can only suggest the fish we like, we need you to tell us which ones you like in order to suggest a workable tank ie. no conflicts between temperature and aggression/territory.

If you got time here is a link you might like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fresh...um_fish_species
I'd go for a few danio's (any flavour really other than giant) or some praecox rainbows as surface dwellers - a shoal of about 10 would look pretty good. You could also look at a shoal of about 8-10 cherry barbs, 10 corys of any flavour, 4 or 5 oto's, a pair or trio of cockatoo apisto's (apistogramma cacatuoides) as they're the most hardy of those you've listed and a few honey gourami. Thats the list that springs to mind. Over time you could add to that if you're sensible with what you add, you might even get away with an angel in there as well.

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