Dwarf Chain Loaches


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I'm considering switching out some of the fish in my 29g for something new. I saw Smithrc's video and I really like the dwarf chain loaches. Is a 29g big enough for a group? 30"x12"x18". More questions after someone answers that.
What kind of tankmates? Would tiger barbs or zebra danios be okay? What about black khuli loaches?
with my experience zebra danios get very greedy at feeding time, thus chomping down on the majority of the food before my kubotai get enough. i imagine they'd do the same with sidthimunkis. perhaps a different danio species or a tetra or barb would be ideal :good:
I use Tetra Prima to feed ours - some of it floats - some of it sinks - some of it sinks slowly - this means everyone gets some ;)

they are a small fish - 6 in there will be fine.
I know this post was a few days ago ... but I've only just popped over.

I have six chain loaches in a 20g tank and they're fine. They have a couple of pieces of very craggy bogwood in there, which they love sitting on, in or under.

I used to keep them with tiger barbs, pearl and zebra danios and I worried about them when they were little because I didn't think they were getting enough food. Used to use a pipette/syringe to squirt food just in front of their noses. Once they've grown up a bit, though, they're quite capable of fending for themselves. They swim up and catch food in mid-water.

They're just in with the tiger barbs now. I've moved the danios to a bigger tank.

The only thing to be wary of ... is if any of your other fish are sick. The chain loaches will try to get a feed of slime (or even an eye!) if any of the other fish slow right down. I wouldn't keep the loaches with any slow moving fish and I'd now isolate any sick ones as soon as I noticed a problem. One of the barbs lost an eye three or four months ago and, although I have no proof, I suspect a loach caught her in an unsuspecting moment. Doesn't seem to affect her now though - she's obviously learnt a lesson.

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