Dwarf Chain Loaches Dying


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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Hello All, About 6 months ago I brought 4 dwarf chain loaches. One of them unfortunately died the day after purchase, however the other 3 seemed fine. About 2 weeks ago, I found another one dead. Last Saturday I purchased 4 more, as I know they like to be kept in a group. This morning- ie 4 days later- another one has died.

Other inhabitants are gouramis, corys, platys and a flying fox as well as 4 rock shrimps, all of whom have been well and healthy for over a year now. Ammonia and Nitrite are both zero, PH7.2 and nitrate about 60.

The tank is 220 litres, Eheim 2126 filter, well planted, sand substrate.

Any Ideas???
nitrate about 60.
that could quite possibly be the answer.
I'd try and bring the NO3 below 30ppm for any tank that houses botias

Yes, thanks I know the nitrate is a little high but I didn't realise that loaches were that sensitive to it? As I say all the other ihabitants seem fine. I will add some Nitrate minus to try and bring it down.
nitrate about 60.
that could quite possibly be the answer.
I'd try and bring the NO3 below 30ppm for any tank that houses botias

Yes, thanks I know the nitrate is a little high but I didn't realise that loaches were that sensitive to it? As I say all the other ihabitants seem fine. I will add some Nitrate minus to try and bring it down.

It'd be easier/better to do some water changes over the next few days.
nitrate about 60.
that could quite possibly be the answer.
I'd try and bring the NO3 below 30ppm for any tank that houses botias

Yes, thanks I know the nitrate is a little high but I didn't realise that loaches were that sensitive to it? As I say all the other ihabitants seem fine. I will add some Nitrate minus to try and bring it down.

It'd be easier/better to do some water changes over the next few days.

Yes, I'll do that as well.I don't know why the nitrate is high though. I'm well within the fish/volume parameters as far as I can tell and I carry out fortnightly 25% water changes, and monthly clean the filter media in tankwater.
You could try a Nitrate sponge ?

I have one in my Rio 400 and I usually get no more than 10 or less when it's in.
They do need changed every 6 weeks though



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