Dwarf Angel Fish


Fish Addict
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
East Midlands, UK
hi guys i am thinking about getting myself a dwarf angelfish as the last fish in my tank and was wondering which one would you recommend. i have both softies and lps in my tank and was looking to get some easy to look after sps in the near future. i know dwarf angels can have a rep for nipping at sessile invertibrates but am i am looking to take the chance but am after 1 that is less likely to do so than others ie. one that people have more sucess with keeeping and doesnt grow too big eg. more than approx 3 or 4 inches.

my initial idea was to get a flame angel but they are a bit too expensive and at the minute i cannot afford 1. i am not too keen on the coral beauty however coz everyone seems to get them and i want one a little bit different.

im adding one to my next fish list. Owned a half black before that took a liking to my elegance.
i like one of three at the minute
red striped

not done much research though, just think they are most attractive.

Flame angels are bad for corals ime
i want one that stands out guys even from a distance. i hae very picky family who sometimes do not appreciate marine fish unless it is the firs thing they notice whe walking into a room. eg. i have 2 flasher wrasse that are very colourful but the colours can only be observed when one takes time to sit next to the tank and pays full attention to all the markings etc!!!lol my dad however thinks my YT damsel and royal gramma are the best marine fish going due to their bright colours standing out from a mile away!!! so for that reason i want an angel that appears bright ad elegant at first glance... hope my rant makes sense!!lol

i quite like the half black and the red stripe angels. lemon peels are also nice but i currently have a yellow tang in the tank and was after something a different colour so i do not have 2 yellow fish in the tank as i will get moaned at.lol sorry about being so picky!!!
i like bi-colour and have spoke t the lfs about them as they have them in often, but from their experience they said they are apparantely more prone to nipping than other dwarf angels :(
The worst offenders are probably Lemon Peels, BiColors, and Flames. Coral Beautie's are hit and miss. Might want to try an Eibli.
I've got a Centropyge acanthops (aka african fireball/flameback) and its by far the most entertaining fish in my reef :good: They stay small ,are very active ,look really cool and mine at least isnt any trouble. As long as he's got something to graze on(nori in algea clip) he's quite happy.

Guys it going to be a choice from the following: a fireball as above; a red stripe; or a pygmy (cherub) angel...

what do you guys reckon? i want an active little fish that aint too boisterous. thanks
only problem is finding them they are stunning once you see them though.

i think there also a bit more challenging in upkeep then the other dwarf angels.

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