Fish Addict
hi guys i am thinking about getting myself a dwarf angelfish as the last fish in my tank and was wondering which one would you recommend. i have both softies and lps in my tank and was looking to get some easy to look after sps in the near future. i know dwarf angels can have a rep for nipping at sessile invertibrates but am i am looking to take the chance but am after 1 that is less likely to do so than others ie. one that people have more sucess with keeeping and doesnt grow too big eg. more than approx 3 or 4 inches.
my initial idea was to get a flame angel but they are a bit too expensive and at the minute i cannot afford 1. i am not too keen on the coral beauty however coz everyone seems to get them and i want one a little bit different.
my initial idea was to get a flame angel but they are a bit too expensive and at the minute i cannot afford 1. i am not too keen on the coral beauty however coz everyone seems to get them and i want one a little bit different.