Dwarf African Frogs


Jul 18, 2005
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to start off i dont know where to post this other then the betta section an i did but that was no help so im posting it here too....sooo here ya go.!

i have 1 male betta 1 algea eater an a buncha plants in a 10gal tank an i was wondering if it would be safe for a African Dwarf frog, i meen ive done some reading and so far from what i can tell it should be good as long as i dont get a clawed frog by accadent but any ways i was just wondering if any one has done this. im not asking for LUCKY get aways where you kept it but your betta scared the piss out of it so much is always hid...i like happy pets any ways thx for the help...if you do help...if you dont help...thx for the not help:d:D

Hi Alix :)

I'm going to move your thread to the Invertebrates and Amphibians section which is the right place to talk about frogs.

It's not hard to tell the difference between African Dwarf Frogs and African Clawed frogs, but you need to know the key things to look for. An ADF will always have webbing on its front hands and its eyes will be on the sides of their heads, while the bigger ACFs will have pointy fingers and eyes on top of their heads.

There are pictures of them and links to even more information on this thread:


Many people keep the ADFs with bettas, but I prefer to keep them alone. A pair of them will do very well in a one or two gallon tank, bowl, or jar, provided it is fitted with a secure cover.

What kind of algae eater do you have? :unsure:

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