Dwalf Chain Loaches.


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Hampshire UK

I have just introduced some to my 4' community tank, The tank is well planted with a couple of huge pieces of wood, one has a hole in the side, a place I thought they may make their own.
My question is are they being playful, or are they bullies? :huh: I did my research and thought they were fine for a community tank. But, they are chasing the tetras around somewhat. :grr: Not picking on anyone in particular, but just chasing. They have only been in the main tank for 24 hours, so maybe they are just settling in, or having fun as they were from a small tank. Is there any chance they will hound my fish or attack them? :(

I'd appreciate thoughts from the loach owners out there please. I've never kept these little guys before.

Thanks :good:
I expect they are just settling in and curious, I have a shoal and they never bother other fish even very small ones.
I have some as well. The only 'problem' with them is that they are road hogs. If one is swimming along and any other fish swims into its path, it just keeps on going and pushes the other fish out of the way. In the same way, if one wants to settle alongside its friends, it will run over any fish that's in its way as it comes in to land (so to speak). It's not bullying, more as if they don't care about any other fish in the vicinity.

They do receive a bit of chasing though. I have some pencilfish in the same tank, the beckfordi ones. The females are white with black stripes, and the males chase anything that looks vaguely similar, including the loaches even though they don't have red fins. I've never seen them turn on the pencilfish.
Do you recommend them? I just bought 5 zebra loaches 2 weeks ago and they are still hiding and only come out sometimes. I very rarely see them. I was thinking of getting dward loaches.
You will definately see these guys!! I have a huge piece of wood in my tank with a hole in the end, I thought they would disappear and I'd not see them for days. However they were really active from the start, a bit too active at times, as all my other fish are slow swimming tetras.

If they continue to harass them they will have to return to the lfs, but I'm giving them a couple of weeks to calm down, they are fun to watch, but they do go after my rummys and cardinals. If you want active fish, then these are the ones you want. :good:

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