Dutch Rams


New Member
May 4, 2004
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I just wondered if anyone knew about the compatibility of Dutch Rams... I was looking in my lfs at the weekend and was pretty awestruck by how attractive they are.

I'm planning for the future here and not the present - I've read up and apparently these fish are sensitive to water quality - so they are out of the question given that my tank is only 4/5 wks old.

However, in a few months time would it be feasible to keep a pair along with a few guppies, 3 platys and say a few small corys? I have a 125l tank (UK).

Thanks any advice appreciated
Dutch Rams are very sensitive to water quality , they need softwater, i recall GH should be from 4 to 8 , with ph around 6-7, the tank needs a lot of plants and you defiantly need to provide caves and hiding places, i haven't had a problem with mine, in terms of other fish, but i have been told that rams don't like fish which are noisy, and a breeding pair may take the corys as a threat, as corys are a bit nosey. Also a pair would need a square foot of space in your tank.

Mo99 :)
Cool thanks for the advice. I think I may have to plan for something else as my ph is nearer to 8 and I worry that I might not be able to give them enough space.

Do you know of any sites that have more details on Rams? I gatehr that there are different varietes and it'd be good to read up on them for the future...


Scott ;)

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