Dutch Ram In Need Of Some Dutch Courage


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Request Help

Tank size: Please see signature
pH: 8.0mg
ammonia: 0.0mg
nitrite: 0.0mg
nitrate: 30mg (near to the tap water level)
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 25 degrees

Common name of fish in question: Dutch Ram

Fish Symptoms: He has lost colour and is listing slightly to one side. He is gasping heavily constantly and moving around very slowly. Earlier the a couple of the Pearls were like pushing him up as if to show me a fish in trouble (I know strange but it did look like it). He is usually out and about and up with the rest at feeding time.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Weekly, because this has only been just over a month of having the fish in the tank (fishless cycled) we had been doing a couple of PWC in a week (due to having a Phython and making it so easy to do them :))

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Only Nutrafin Aqua-Plus when doing the PWC and Nutrafin Plant Grow.

Tank inhabitants: Please see signature

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Bamboo Shrimp just over a week ago.

Exposure to chemicals: Only the Nutrafin Plant Grown about 3 days ago

Digital photo (include if possible): Comes out as he is in a netted tank on the inside of the aquarium.

Also is there any 'special' food or medication that I could keep in stock to give the fish a boost for occasions when a fish is looking/action ill and I could put him in the observation tank and keep an eye on them?

Thank you

Have you seen him poo at all? Does he seem bloated at all?
Do you have aeration in your tank? Or is the water agitated at the surface?

Loss of color can often be stress.

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