Well, 2 years ago Spudnik's uterus fell out, and the vet basically just pushed it back into her and sewed her up. Anyways, of course that caused her to not be able to make eggs anymore instead she just made the fluid, and it built up inside of her, we had to get her drained every 6 months. The last 2 months we had to get her drained every 2 weeks and then its been every week. Well on Wednesday we had an appt to get her drained at 4:45 but at 3, it was too late. The fluid built up so quickly, and it just came out of her both ends. She drowned in it, and she was home alone when she died. We let her stay out so during the day she flies around the house whereever she wants. We found her on the front porch table, laying in 2 puddles, eyes wide open, mouth open, you could tell she was in extreme pain when she died. That alone got me hysterical. Im glad shes not suffering anymore though, because face it, getting a needle shoved in u once a week is not pleasant...I just wish she wasnt in pain when she died. We buried her with her favorite toys, and her favorite towel. She used to love to sit on the windowsill and look out right above the garden, so we buried her there. I kept her cage in my room covered for a few days. I like seeing it there, even though its covered, and even though I know its empty. A few times I lifted up the blanket hoping for some sort of miracle and seeing her there. My parents made me take the cage down yesterday though. And yesterday my dad came upstairs going "birdy birdy birdy..." and he was whistling and stuff, and then I guess he realized that she wasn't going to answer him this time and he just started crying. He's doing the worst out of all of us. She was such an amazing bird, if you called her she came to you. If you said cage, she'd go in it and go to sleep. She was simply amazing, every night before I went to bed I used to hold her for an hour or so. She liked sitting behind my laptop because of the heat. God I miss her....anyways now that I rambled forever, thats how she died.