dust like stuff floating in tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I just did a large waterchange on my tank (which has no fish in it so its not fish waste), and now I see alot of little particles floating around.

It looks almost like dust (which could be very small air bubbles) but I also see hair like things. Like, little fibers say from a towel, or a rug. Imagine if you pulled a very tiny fiber from your rug, that is what it looks like. Is this anything to worry about.
Have you ever notice this on your other water changes? I get this from time to time when I syphoned in a particularily dirty spot. Some suuff doesn't get picked up and takes of ther tank.

my suggestion... turn filter on high for the rest of the evening, and it should either get sucked up, or it will settle. might take a few days, but it will go away. If it doesnt (particles might be too small to get picked up by filter) you can buy a 'clumping' product that makes the small bits form in to slightly larger bits that the filter will pick up.
Do you happen to have a dog or cat? I found that from time to time I have this (or a similar) issue. I find that cat hair and dander sometimes gets into my tanks. Water changes take care of the problem for the most part.

It looks like a lot of it has settled now, but there is still some. Thanks for the top on the clumping product though, I never knew something like that existed.

dan - yes I do have a dog, I'll have to make sure he stays away from my stuff.

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