Dumbest Fish


Hammer Time
Staff member
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Do you have a fish that you feel is the dumbest of all fish :hyper:.
I have a 5 year old Peppered Cory that is dumber than a door stop. He is the sole Cory in the tank. He is constantly trolling the bottom of the tank looking for any tidbits of leftover food----and that is all he ever does. When I use my Python Water Changer, he is oblivious to the tube, even if it is an inch away from him. If I accidentally siphon him up and quickly return him to the tank, it's as if nothing happened...he can't be fazed. If I knock over the flagstone cave (which happens often) while doing the cleanup around it and under it with the Python Water Change, he doesn't flinch or move away from it. If I am trying to net my very difficult to catch BN Pleco from a huge spawn I had a year ago so I can bring them to the LFS for store credit, this dumb cory doesn't get frightened or move away from the net. He would be so easy to net him if I needed to.

So do you have a fish that you consider dumber than a rock 🤪. Tell us about it.
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My danios are not normally that stupid, however today while doing water change/ gravel vac, they decided to try swim round the gravel vac and one almost got sucked in🤦. My corydoras are also pretty stupid, no personal space constantly irritating my Bristlenose pleco. However, from what I’ve read all corys are dumb fish that would all be great contenders for”dumbest fish of the fish of the month”.
Sounds as if that Cory is desperately looking for attention or company. Cories are mainly very social animals. As a single fish…nothing of their behavior is normal as that is not being dumb.
If i need to catch any cories, I'll drop a wafer or pellet into the net in the corner of the tank and wait for the cories to swim into the net for me.
They're not the brightest fish, but that's their charm, imo.
In my opinion, the hardest fish to catch is a BN Pleco. I speak from experience with having to catch 69 Plecos from a huge spawn over the course of several weeks to bring to my family owned fish store.
I devised a way to speed up the process. I attached a string to a small glass vase and put a few algae wafers inside. I extended the string to the outside of the tank. I turned off the room lights. I rested the vase sideways on the substrate and after an hour or so, some Plecos would go inside. You would then very quickly pull up the vase with the string. Some Plecos would still escape but I gradually caught quite a few of them with this method. This method was more successful than trying to net the Plecos even after removing all plants and ornaments.
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If you stand a net in a swordtail tank, the alpha male will swim into it to investigate.

Technically, that seems dumb, but what in its evolution would prepare it for a fishkeeper so treacherous as to catch him? If you chase him with a net, good luck catching him.

But if you chase Melanotaenia rainbowfish, they hide in the net. To me, they are the most unintelligent fish I have ever encountered. But some South American Laetacara Cichlids are known locally as "acara bobo" because they are so easy to catch.
I’ve had guppies chase nets, sucked up in a gravel vac, sucked up in HOB filter. Once I found one in a bucket with some water in it, how long it was in there and it got in there I still don’t know.
if you are going to the hardest to catch fish...( I generally try to not need to catch a fish after they've gone in my tanks... but situations change ) for me hardest to catch are a pair of adult flying foxes... I've tried to catch them out of a tank twice, once with most all of the structure removed... they are still in the tank I put them in as babies... but I'll admit bushies can be hard to catch... I think if I had to catch that many babies, I'd maybe try siphoning them out, using a larger diameter hose than a normal gravel vacuum... in fact I have a gravel vac set up with 3/4 inch hose for transferring Tilapia fry
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The ones that end up on the floor think that there's much more swimming room on the other side of the glass. But then they do learn by their mistake and they won't do that again.
I always qualified as the dumbest, those that where found dried on the floor...
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