Dumb Question


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2004
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When I test my ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates I usually reach my hand (with the beaker from the test kit) and I get water from the bottom of the tank. I thought I might have heard to do this to get better readings or something. But does it even matter where I test the water from, can I just test it from the top of the tank without getting my arm all wet?

Thanks :lol: :lol:
I test with water from the top. My filters and powerheads are constantly blowing or sucking from the bottom so its all mixed IMO.
Please make sure you clean those beakers good, cause those checmical used for testing water are no good for the tank! :sad: :sad:

What I do, I purchased an eye drop so abstract water from tank and place it in beaker. However, water from the top is just as good as anyother place in tank for testing. My opinion anyway! :D

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