Dumb, Dumb Mistake


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
I have a 29 gallon tank that was setup for about a month. I cloned it from another tank so it cycled in less than two weeks. I have danios and tetras in there now. Last night I noticed that my filter was turned off and it was totally dry. :sick: I have no idea how it happened. Ofcourse I immediately turned it back on and checked ammonia. It was not exactly yellow so I know I have a cycle coming up. I am sick for my fish.

I squeezed out some stuff from my filter in the 20 gallon tank. That should help with some bacteria. Hopefully I will have fish that are still alove when I get home from work.

I might make the 35 minute drive to my favorite LFS to buy some biospira. It can't hurt to try...
My ammonia was still between 0 and .25 last night. I would judge the color to actually much closer to 0. I think the bottom part of the filter sponge may have still been wet. Maybe my bacteria survived even without water flow for 20 hours. That would be great news. :good:

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