

Fish Herder
Dec 21, 2003
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Okay, I think it is good..........but as you all may or may not know, I am new (again) to SW and totally new to reef tanks.........so taking is slow...................
anyway...............like I said, I think it is good, but I just wanna make sure. I have a lot of bright green almost teal stuff growing here and there all over the tank. I am not really *worried* about it or anything.........just curious. It is right along with the beautiful purple coraline (sp?) algae, so I figured just another type of algae. It is smooth and such a beautiful color. In fact, I have a lot of colors growing on the live rocks.........like yellows, pinks, purples, and all different colors of green-yellow tinges.

Is this good stuff??
Congratulations! Yes, it sounds like coraline to me. All the differentcolors are hard to achieve. you must have a good lighting water quality combo going on.

Great Lakes said:
Congratulations! Yes, it sounds like coraline to me. All the differentcolors are hard to achieve. you must have a good lighting water quality combo going on.

Oh goody, goody, goody!

Okay, what does this "macro algae" look like that I have been hearing such good things about? Or..............*duh* can you not really see it since it is so small?
All the differentcolors are hard to achieve. you must have a good lighting water quality combo going on.

Welp, if I do, it is partially by accident! We just got a new coralife double light, which I am sure is helping scads, but this stuff was growing pretty well with the light that came with the tank. It was your run of the mill daylight light, but had a kick-as* reflector on it. I have noticed coraline growing on the powerheads and inside my UV sterilzer tubes since changing lights.............so neat!
Olive, the Macro stuff is usually found in a refugium or sump. It is your typical green plantlike stuff that helps export contaminents out of your system and keep phosphates under control.

I would urge you to do a complete parameter check and make notes of light timing and temps to have what sounds like a good baseline for your system. And don't forget to check the calcium levels.

And then by all means post them so we can compare notes. :D

Great Lakes said:
Olive, the Macro stuff is usually found in a refugium or sump. It is your typical green plantlike stuff that helps export contaminents out of your system and keep phosphates under control.

I would urge you to do a complete parameter check and make notes of light timing and temps to have what sounds like a good baseline for your system. And don't forget to check the calcium levels.

And then by all means post them so we can compare notes. :D

Okey dokey then! Thank you! :thumbs:
I've got macro algae growing rampant in my tank. It is great! It is thriving, and it helps keep the water balanced and stable.

*You don't need a gigantic setup and a PhD in plants to grow macroalgae.*

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