duarf puffer fish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2003
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I want to know how much a duarf puffer fish is, and pretty much anything about them, and the price of them.I would apressiate your guy's help!
The price of fish really varies from place to place...I personally paid $1.99 for mine in the U.S.

Dwarf puffers are aggressive fish, they will only eat frozen or live food, they have to have snails to eat to keep their beaks trimmed.
only $1.99, thats cheep! I think I might get 3 then, not sure on fish selection yet thoe'.Thnx for your guy's posts.
i saw them for around $6 at one lfs here. they were full grown though, and that store sells adults for more than juvies. it will vary. call around to some of your lfs.
Be sure to do as much research as you can before buying your puffers. They don't make very good tankmates for other fish. Check the "Pinned" section of this forum for more info.

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