dual light hood?


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Is it possible to get a light fixture that can hold two bulbs.... BUT that you can operate the bulbe seperatly? I want to have a moonlight bulb in there that only comes on once the other light is off.

Can you buy them... or make them even?
Seems if you got a light fixture that holds two bulbs, you could set up a Double pole, single throw switch up to where when the switch was in one position the "day" bulb would be on, and whenn in the other position the "night" bulb was on.

Or you could have two switches, one for each light. I don't know of any that are made this way, but it wouldn't be too difficult to wire in a different switch.
hey you stole that idea from my head :p

I'd like to know the answer to this as well :D
You can build a hood with 2 different circuits. Did just that with my 65, have one circuit for a 2 foot double tube flourescent, and another for an incadescent that is running a 7 watt blue sign bulb, works great for a moonlight effect. Just run them into 2 seperate timers and it's good to go.


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