Drying Out Live Rock And Reanimating It ?


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
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My tank crashed 2 months ago. needless to say after 2 years I've lost my energy for it . I had a heater overload and cooked everything in my tank. (I strongly advise anyone reading this to add a backup heater cut off only about $30. ) I have done water change after water change to try to get the tank back on track so I can sell the rock and sand in good conscience. I have bought a bunch of chromis to maintain the tanks cycle and had some corals and inverts that survived the heat up. But to the point, the live rock has gained a huge amont of aiptasia . A friend suggested taking the rock out and letting it dry and reintroduce it into the aquarium . I was wondering to the validity of this theory ? Or if anyone has an affordable way to dispatch my problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
There are basically 3 ways to deal with Aiptasia:

1. Biological solutions like butterfly fish and peppermint shrimp. These are hit and miss and large Aiptasia will probably be ignored.

2. Chemical solutions like Joe's Juice and Aiptasia-X. Again hit and miss. After some initial success with Aiptasia-X, I have a remaining population that is completely unphased by it and is rapidly repopulating. You can also use boiling water and kalk paste but these are a greater risk to damaging surrounding organisms.

3. Using something like a soldering iron to burn them off of the rock while it's out of the water. Some people swear by the soldering iron method. I haven't tried it yet but probably will soon given the issue I mentioned above.

If you dry the rock, you will kill EVERYTHING on it, not just the Aiptasia. This will leave a bunch of dead decaying stuff that will dump waste into your tank when you rehydrate it. So no, I would not take the rock-drying approach unless it's very small rocks. Drying is something I have done on shells and bits of rubble, but anything bigger and you probably want to take one of the other approaches.
It depends on how much you want to get for it. If I were to buy aiptasia filled rock, I would dry it out myself and start with a fresh cycle. If you just want to get rid of it, sell it as is. If you want to put in the effort then I would just dry it out. Yes it will need to cycle again. This is with any dry rock, though.

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