J jmaster Fish Addict Joined May 9, 2004 Messages 844 Reaction score 0 Location Essex UK Oct 7, 2008 #1 hi all whats the best way to get dry water marks of tanks? thanks
shelaghfishface the one and only Joined Jan 20, 2008 Messages 6,754 Reaction score 2 Location BARRY,s.wales Oct 7, 2008 #2 vinegar .. i think, but not while the fish are in ther!! if its that you are worried about then get a non scratch glass cleaner
vinegar .. i think, but not while the fish are in ther!! if its that you are worried about then get a non scratch glass cleaner
Mikaila31 Always Watching Joined Aug 29, 2005 Messages 3,290 Reaction score 0 Location Hudson, Wisconsin USA Oct 7, 2008 #3 Yep vinagar, I've always put the tank on the drive way. Pour a bunch of vinagar in it and put on some rubber gloves(I can't stand the smell of vinagar ). And wipe the whole thing down. Then rinse it really good with the hose.
Yep vinagar, I've always put the tank on the drive way. Pour a bunch of vinagar in it and put on some rubber gloves(I can't stand the smell of vinagar ). And wipe the whole thing down. Then rinse it really good with the hose.
OP OP J jmaster Fish Addict Joined May 9, 2004 Messages 844 Reaction score 0 Location Essex UK Oct 8, 2008 #4 ok thanks alot so is that ok to use on inside of tank aswell?
Mikaila31 Always Watching Joined Aug 29, 2005 Messages 3,290 Reaction score 0 Location Hudson, Wisconsin USA Oct 8, 2008 #5 As long as there are no fish in the tank. As vinagar will make your ph plummet.
OP OP J jmaster Fish Addict Joined May 9, 2004 Messages 844 Reaction score 0 Location Essex UK Oct 8, 2008 #6 no the tank will be comletely empty its just wer the tank has only been half fall and filter has splashed water and its dryed thats all
no the tank will be comletely empty its just wer the tank has only been half fall and filter has splashed water and its dryed thats all