Dropy and Colloidal Silver


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I don't wanna get my hopes up, but I poured a bottle of colloidal silver into Bob's tank last night as a final attempt to cure his dropsy. He has been dosed with Maracyn 1 and Maracyn 2 for 8 days, and although he was eating a little and swimming a little, he was very very swollen and very pineconey. This morning I checked on him (ok, this afternoon, that's what counts as a morning on a Saturday for me!) and although he is not enormously active, he is only half as fat and is no longer pineconey!!!! hurrah!!!

And I feel pretty good too (I tried some of the colloidal silver too!). So I guess I'm going to be ordering more off the net.

I can't say Bob is cured, it's very early days, but it is sooo good to see his scales lying flat again.

Thanks to everyone for the advice and support, I will let you know how Bob gets on.

Sarah :D
where did you get it? I'd like to get some just to have on hand in case somebody here ever gets dropsy. After losing Sparky I never want to go through that again.

btw, I just googled colloidal silver and found this:

I wouldn't advise anybody to be taking this stuff themselves. yikes!
There's more stuff in favour of CS than against it - I could only find the one article against it. And the stuff in the UK is MUCH lower concentration than that available in the US.

And both Wuv and Sorrell said to try it for dropsy, and it seems to be working for Bob. I have no plans to take much of it or for any length of time, so I don't think I'm gonna turn grey! It's just for the fish really, but I had a sore throat yesterday so I tried some!

I've ordered some more and will keep Bob on it for a few days - hopefully he will turn back into the arrogant little betta that he used to be!!
i read the articles about rosemary, and no where does it state how much silver she took. and for how long... it also failed to mention that colloidal silver is not silver or even grey in color!!! it is brown!!

the place i got mine from is n-ergetics.com i believe (or something like that) i don't know if they sihp to the UK, but they carry 500 and 1100 ppm, then you could just treat with drops at a time instead of a full bottle!
oooh that's very interesting Sarah and great news that Bob is no longer pine coned!

Look forward to hearing more updates :)
I wouldn't advise anybody to be taking this stuff themselves. yikes

Rosemary is like one of the only people in the world to have ever had the grayness happen. She's srictly against it and I can't blame her but millions and millions of people use it with no problems. I've taken it for years and I'm not grey,and my fish have swam in it at high concentrations before and they're not gray either. :lol:

Glad it worked for your guy,Sarah. It's great stuff :thumbs:

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