

Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I think my betta might have dropsy. His abdomen is all swollen and looks bloated.

This morning he was acting perfectly normal, swimming around, eating, etc. But now he is just sitting there and his abdomen is swollen.

What can I do?

I can try to get a picture if that will help....
If you catch this disease early enough then you can treat with Waterlife Octozin or interpet No9 anti internal bacteria, also adding salt sould help the problem. Normal cause of dropsy is poor water quality or a change in the diet. These treatments are the uk versions, not sure about the US treatments.
Ok, thank you.

How much salt should I add for a one gallon tank?

I did change his diet, I started giving him blood worms along with his normal food. He has been eating them like a pig...
I used epsom salts on my betta that had dropsy as someone posted an article in the betta section that said it was better to use that in a dropsy situation than normal aquarium salt.

I used interpet no. 9 as well as more concentrated epsom salt baths but I still lost her :(

do a search on the betta section for "epsom salts" and it should bring the post with the article up for you

Good luck with your betta

Edited to add this Dropsy
He might not have dropsy.
The fact that you mention that you're giving him more food now than normal makes me think one thing - He might be constipated. How much do you feed him?
I would withhold food from him for a few days - see if that helps him.

One of my boys had a swollen belly and just withholding food (or giving him teeny hunks of a cooked, shelled pea) will help get things moving again.

Try that and see if it helps, too.
BettaMomma, I was really hoping that he didn't have dropsy and is just constipated, so I gave him a pea. Hopefully it was just that, but I did treat him for dropsy, just in case.

I give him as many pellets as he will eat, normally around 2-3. I've also started giving him blood worms, too. I feed him twice a day.

He seems to be getting better, so now I'm doubting its dropsy, which I'm very happy about. He'll get a burst of energy and swim around, but than he just rests, but he doesn't sink to the bottom.

He loved the pea... :)
He is swimming around like her normally does, begging for food (he goes where I drop the food in, sits there, does a lap, repeat) and is acting completely normal! But, his abdomen is still swollen. :( Hopefully he'll get better soon. Last night he was flairing at me like crazy, so hopefully thats a good sign!
It sounds like he does have a bit of constipation.
Don't feed him for another day or two - his belly should start to go down very soon. :)
Ok, I told my dad not to feed him, I've been sick and haven't been able to get up for the past two days, but my dad fed him anyways. He doesn't want to starve him. I'll have to tell him again.

Sushi is still swimming around, acting like himself.
Tell him that fish can go for 3 weeks without eating just fine.
Also tell him you'll kick his ass if he feeds them again.

ALTHOUGH - I am very impressed with his concern and not wanting them to starve. That's actually quite admirable. Good ol' dads. :wub:
My dad and I are the big animal lovers in the house, he is the only reason I have all the pets I do. :D

Sushi gets all excited when he sees my dad now, he swims to where my dad puts the food in. You can tell he wants food...

My dad said he won't feed him tonight, and he has only been giving him 1/4 of what I normally give him to eat.

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