

Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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HELP!! I think my female siamese has dropsy. Her scales look pushed out so that she appears bloated. She is also hanging around the top of the tank, is this serious? i only noticed it today, is there any medication i can get her?? Is it contagious? I dont really have many options for a hospital tank as the only other one i have is a 90 liter and its occupied by my male siamese at present. Please help, i have had her for so long, she's so precious. So you think this could be a result of old age?
HELP!! I think my female siamese has dropsy. Her scales look pushed out so that she appears bloated. She is also hanging around the top of the tank, is this serious? i only noticed it today, is there any medication i can get her?? Is it contagious? I dont really have many options for a hospital tank as the only other one i have is a 90 liter and its occupied by my male siamese at present. Please help, i have had her for so long, she's so precious. So you think this could be a result of old age?
to be sure that it is dropsy, i need to see a pic.
Once scales stick out organ failure and the fish never seem to recover.
Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out, and a bacterial med.
Best to issolate the sick fish as if it dies and the other fish peck at the body it can pass on that way.

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