
Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
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One of my dwarf corys that appeared to be ok last night was floating this morning. Took it to my lfs and he said it had died of dropsy.

Its belly was swollen and looked a bit red (chewed?) but that may be post-death.

Anyway, my lfs said dropsy isn't contagious and I don't need to add any meds.

Do you all agree?

And what causes dropsy?

My water parameters are all normal.
Dropsy is the accumulation of fluids in the visceral cavity of a fish. This fluid buildup causes the abdomen to swell. In severe cases the distention is so great that the scales stand out from the body. When viewed from above the fish takes on a pine cone-like appearance.

The most common cause of dropsy is internal bacterial infection, Chronic forms of these internal bacterial diseases may show symptoms other than dropsy. Reddened patches on the skin, and around the fins, anus and mouth, are common. Boils or ulcers may appear on the skin. Exophthalmos (pop-eye) is another associated sign. If caught in the early stages, the diseases can be treated successfully with a combination of improved water quality management and the use of antibiotics.

If only a few fish seem to be diseased, they should be isolated in a hospital tank. A sick fish in the aquarium does stress other fish. It also serves as a virulent breeding ground for the bacterial pathogens, making it harder for the other fish to fight off the disease.

Could also be that the fish is constipated it can be relieved by the addition of 0.3 percent magnesium sulfate salt to the diet. Chopped earthworms, spinach and other vegetables also act as laxatives.
Hope to help!
As far as meds go Romet B is a medicated food that works wonders. For fall back meds Maracyn and Maracyn II will work in the water and will still work internally if the fish doesn't eat as well as keep secondary bacteria at bay. Rose

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