

Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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It's not really an emergency as such at the moment

a few weeks ago I noticed under the sailfin mollies belly his scales were up a tiny bit, i started feeding them less just to see if he was a fatty and it seemed to go down, but now they're back up again.

I"m unsure if this is dropsy or just fat. As he's big around the belly

Could the impression of a big fish be mistaken for dropsy? Or should I be worried
I did consider if he was bloated, i been feeding him flakes which contain peas, maybe that'll help

i havne't got a quarantine tank since i broke the 2 gallon one , i take it i can't add meds to the big tank?

I'll try get a picture for you of what it looks like. it doesn't look too bad at the moment, only really close up do you notice :look:
He's not to bad at the moment but the med will help if its bacterial, it up to you, good luck.
I had put a little melafix in the other day which I had handy and put the heaters up a bit. fed some peas and left it for a bit

I didn't feed them for about two days after and it's totally gone. Maybe it was bloat or overfeeding :X

thanks for your help wilder

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