

Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2002
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HELP! I have a Black Moore that i have had for 16 months. For a month now he has been floating at the surface upside down. When i feed my fish, he swims upright and eats and swims around ok, then he slowing flips over and floats back to the surface.
Is this dropsy?
He is normal looking, no pinecone scales.The only sign i see is the floating upside down at the surface. My other 3 Black Moores are just fine.
I took him out of my tank and have him in a qurantine tank with melafix right now. I just felt so sorry for him.
Any info. would be appreciated!
It sounds a lot like swim bladdar disease. Don't worry, it's not fatal. Just don't feed it as much for a while and he'll get better. At least that's what I heard. I'm not sure it's swim bladder disease in the first place....just sounds a lot like it. No, it IS NOT dropsy, I can tell you that..... :nod:
My first thought is swim bladder disease as well!! Could be a lot of reasons, like viral or bacterial infection, internal organ diseases or blockage, like tumours, constipation, or from pressure on swinbladder caused by dropsy.

Is it a goldfish? Certain species of protozoa and nematode worms (roundworms) may cause swimbladder disease.

Somtimes it helps when putting it in a hospital tank which is 9-10F warmer. N mayb u can find some treatments for this?
Is there anything i can do besides the Melafix i am giving him? Thats the only med. i have on hand right now.
Doesn't sound like dropsy. Lets all cool off with that idea, and rule out the little stuff first. :lol:

How often do you feed your fish?
How much?
How much does that fish eat when he is fed?
I have a big fat fancy goldfish with swim bladder disease. He was having the same problem several months ago. Several times I even thought he was dead but when I'd put the net in he'd start frantically swimming around, upside down, begging for his little life. :crazy:

Since then, I heard that simply changing his food could fix him right up and it did. Instead of flake food or floating pellets, I feed my goldfish sinking pellets, (Goldfish Crumbles by Wardley).

The problem with many fancy goldfish is that when they eat from the top they swallow air making them, for lack of a better word, Gassy!!! :*)

Since I have switched the food, he has only had two bouts of swim bladder disease and each only lasted less than one day.

Goldfish are scavengers by nature and seem to enjoy chasing after their food on the way down and then scouring the bottom for the leftovers.

Try it. I think it might solve your problem. :nod:

By the way, moving him to a separate tank was a very good thing as they get picked on in their awkward state.

Good luck. Hope I may have helped.
Missy said:
I have a big fat fancy goldfish with swim bladder disease. He was having the same problem several months ago. Several times I even thought he was dead but when I'd put the net in he'd start frantically swimming around, upside down, begging for his little life. :crazy:

Since then, I heard that simply changing his food could fix him right up and it did. Instead of flake food or floating pellets, I feed my goldfish sinking pellets, (Goldfish Crumbles by Wardley).

The problem with many fancy goldfish is that when they eat from the top they swallow air making them, for lack of a better word, Gassy!!! :*)

Since I have switched the food, he has only had two bouts of swim bladder disease and each only lasted less than one day.

Goldfish are scavengers by nature and seem to enjoy chasing after their food on the way down and then scouring the bottom for the leftovers.

Try it. I think it might solve your problem. :nod:

By the way, moving him to a separate tank was a very good thing as they get picked on in their awkward state.

Good luck. Hope I may have helped.
Thanks so much! Sounds like that is the prob. :nod:
I feed my fish once a day,but i feed them floating goldfish pellets and flake food.
I have used the crumbled b4 and will have to switch back to that again and see if it'll work.
Thanks again! :D
Decapsulated peas are exellent for a fishes digestive system, I had a black butterfly moor who developthe same thing afer a heavy bout of whitespot. I used melafix to help fins grow back and supplemented food with peas. Also try a little aquarium salt in the water, if nothing else it will mean the fish will use less energy for osmoregulation and the salt kills a lot of pathogens.

Decapsulated peas are exellent for a fishes digestive system

I was going to say that also. So obviously I'll agree here. :D

Peas are good for the digestive tract. This sounds like swim bladder disease and if not treated is fatal.

Might I also suggest for everyone to fast their fish 1 day a week also? I have always done this with every Genus and species of fish I have ever had. I have no scientific data to back it up, but I truly believe having fish go 1 day a week w/o eating helps them tremendously. AFAIK, no animal eats everyday in the wild. jmo, and not meant as a rule at all.

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