HELP! I have a Black Moore that i have had for 16 months. For a month now he has been floating at the surface upside down. When i feed my fish, he swims upright and eats and swims around ok, then he slowing flips over and floats back to the surface.
Is this dropsy?
He is normal looking, no pinecone scales.The only sign i see is the floating upside down at the surface. My other 3 Black Moores are just fine.
I took him out of my tank and have him in a qurantine tank with melafix right now. I just felt so sorry for him.
Any info. would be appreciated!
Is this dropsy?
He is normal looking, no pinecone scales.The only sign i see is the floating upside down at the surface. My other 3 Black Moores are just fine.
I took him out of my tank and have him in a qurantine tank with melafix right now. I just felt so sorry for him.
Any info. would be appreciated!