

Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Well...I've been battling dropsy with Pinkie for the last few days. I wish I would've caught it earlier and recognized what it was before she pine-coned. But from what I've researched, most fish don't make it anyway. :/

Part of me wants to keep trying for my little girl...my first female betta. And part of me is considering euthanasia...I just hate seeing her like this. She's just hanging out at the top of the tank. Although she showed some activity when I added some epsom salt.

Looks like I'm gonna lose my girl. :sad:
Well sadly she probably wont make it... :-( u can euthanasia her if you like but I wouldn't I couldn't cut my fishes head off/poison it. You never know maybe she will make it...however sadly she probably wont. Why don't you feed her some livefood so she has good memories before she passes on
o man i'm really sorry :-( i lost my molly to that...my mom finally couldn't bear it and euthanized him. i hope your betta gets better tho. again i'm really sorry and i know it's hard to see her like that :-( :unsure:
Thanks guys......after watching her and trying with more medication last night, I woke up this morning to find her dead at the bottom of the tank, tail in the air. :sad: I wasn't too shocked...I know the deal with dropsy and I could tell last night she was gonna go any minute. Well...I've lost my first fish...and I just started this hobby in July.

I think I'm just gonna stick with my boys right now and concentrate on taking care of them instead of getting another fish.
That's sad...she went to a better place fishy heaven ;) Lets cheer up and look into the future (In fishy heaven they have kms and kms of swimming place with plants and unlimited livefood) Get another one...don't let this stop you!!!! ;)
oh... losing a grrl is almost more heartbreaking than losing a boy. they're just so spunky and cute, while the boys seem to be all macho and don't want to be called 'cute'.

heaven forbid i say cute to Donny, he puffs right up. it's wierd he knows what i'm saying...

anyway, Rest in Peace Pinkie, you'll be missed :-( :-(
Thats right because I find that female bettas actually have a personality and a relationship with people (well mine do anyway) ;)
Thanks everyone.

Unfortunately, I was finally just starting to see some of Pinkie's personality and she was just starting to warm up to me when she took ill. :/ So I never really got to see her exhibit her personality like 'my boys.'

Maybe at some point I'll get another girl. But not right now.

But on a brighter note, I did get a new 2.5 gallon Minibow for Samson and set it up tonight. He's still in the 1/2 gallon for now. I'll move him into his new, bigger bachelor pad in the next few days. :)
Thats good news...hope he enjoys and loves his new home :D

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