Dropsy - How infectious is it


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi All

My long finned zebra danio died tonight of what I believe is dropsy. I`ve had it for 4 months but I now have 2 questions:-

1) How infectious is dropsy - cant say if it`s bacterial or viral - but none of my other fish appear ill.

2) Can anyone give me a clue as to if it was bacterial or viral considering the evidence and length of time I`ve had the fish. All my water parameters are fine :- Ammonia 0 ppm,Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 5 ppm. I feed the fish a varied diet of live bloodworm, flake, and mashed deshelled peas.

The tank has been set up since November 2004. Just moved some of the silver Molly fry into the tank from the Nursery tank about a week ago - but none of the fry or remaining nursery fry are ill.

I`m highly confused as to where this appeared from and a bit disheartened as my fish seem to die bit by bit

1 silver shark, 1 zebra danio (not the one tonight), 1 silver molly, 1 black neon, about 5 silver molly fry - all from apparently different causes or unknown causes - and all spaced out over varying periods of time.

I`ve added some Melafix to the tank to try to protect the other fish.

If you don't quarntine fish they can fetch all sort of things into the tank, as for the dropsy some say it is infectous and some say not, it's best not to let the fish die in the tank if you suspect it is dropsy.
Hi Wilder

Thanx for the reply - as this was one of my first few fish I got they were all together from the start - the others have been added over a period. Would it be normal for something to be lurking for 4 months, with no apparent sign of illness then just flair up ?

Dropsy isn't contagious. However, its usually due to poor water quality.. since your readings are okay it can't be that.. it can also be due to a boring diet. What do you feed your fish?
Oh, sorry.. being slow tonite.. didn't notice the list of foods you feed. Do you routinely switch around between those things?
They say that dropsy can be passed on at birth.

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