Dropped food pot in tank.


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2003
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England, Luton
this has happend to me, just curious whos this happend to,

this is what happend, i tried to make it balance on the rim corner of the tank and it fell in, ok ok its my fault :fun:

but i hate it when that happens, u have to scoop out all the flakes or whatever :sad:

ok vote please,...

never happened to me because it's always been a scare of mine so I am very careful. I guess it's more luck than anything as I can see how easily it could happen. :X
Oh, yes..........It does make a mess! :X

I've dropped flakes into the water when the can slipped out of my wet hand. :*)
mike777 said:
Nope, I was thinking how much of a mess that would be the other day though
Believe me - it's a mess! :X
Thats so weird, I was looking at how many different types of fish food I had today and was thinking about what would happen if I dropped the fry powder in (You cant pick it out) Very strange :S
i had a tank ful of guppies when i was 10, my cuz did "feed the fishies" :crazy: while i wuz gone over the weekend, it was a lg thing of fry food, the tank wuz brown and i lost almost all my fish during or after, including my kuhli loach and algae eaters :byebye:
When Jenica was barely 2, she dumped a whole large can of TetraMin flakes in my 45 gallon community. I did a large water change and turned on my Vortex Diatom to take care of the rest of the mess. That was frustrating, but nowhere near as bad as the time when she was about 18 months old and stuffed the guppy tank full of plastic megablocks while I was in the bedroom getting dressed. :X I cried. :look:
sort of, my 3 yr old son got up early and fed the fish the whole tub of flake and a whole bowl of sugarpuffs (never been able to ween my betta off sugerpuffs since then :D )
My mother taught me to shake slt into my hand then sprinkle it on my food when I was very young so as to keep from putting on to much so when i sarted keeping fish it just made sense to do the same thing. My hands are always washed and I keep the food container on a shelf balow the rim of the tank.

One time I was feeding my fish Hikari brand Daphnia. It has a weird top, you slide this little lever and it opens part of the top, then you shake the food out. (ok, so I did a really bad job of explaining that, but if you have that kind of fish food container you probably know what I mean.) Anyway I opened it way too much, and by accident a whole bunch of it poured in.
Well my little 4 year old niece wanted to feed mine once. My brother was pretty fired up that I wasnt going to let her, so I said whats one pinch going to do? I pull up a chair, stand her on it and let her take a tiny pinch out of the can I was holding. She takes her pinch then gets mad because I wouldnt let her hold the can. (to make a long story short) I gave her the can and before I could blink she dumped that whole BIG can in there! She was nice enough to put her pinch back in the can though. Sheesh that was a mess to clean up. Then they asked if she could feed them again sometime. :lol: Yea right!

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