Driving Me Crazy!


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Last Thursday my little 11-year-old brother got a betta (while shopping with me of course ;) ). He's a red VT with beautiful long, thick fins... he's in a 4 1/2 gallon tank witha heater but no filter, and swims around like a happy, healthy guy. BUT he absolutely refuses to eat!!! It's been 8 days... and now I'm going away for 3 days with no one to feed the fishies while I'm gone, so it'll be 11 days by the time we get back. My brother and I has offered him Hikari pellets and frozen bloodworms every day, and he looks at the first thing we drop in and then swims away completely ignoring it and us. He even begs for food sometimes, but when he gets it he ignores it. He's being a little brat! :p Do you think this is something to be worried about? Or will he be okay 11 days without food (I know they can live for 3ish weeks without eating but that doesn't mean it's a good thing :/ )? I'm especially worried about this guy cuz I don't want my brother to lose another fish (he got one like a year ago which weirdly died for no reason the day after).
Once you drop the foods . . . do you notice that they go to the bottom and eats them fr the bottom?

Plus is there poop? If there's poop then you know he's gotta be eating ( :lol: :lol: :lol: )
red devil: I don't think that's the problem... I've gotten two other bettas from the same place and they were both eating within a day or two.

Sukie: Nope, he'll just let the food lay there and decay! :/ I don't think there's any poop, there's gravel on the bottom so I can't tell that much (and my brother was the one who changed the water) but I don't think there was/is... :/
My suggestion is strave him for one day ~ no foods at all. Then see if he eats the next day. . .

I can't even believe that he doesn't eat the worms! :lol:

Good luck!!

You could try calling the lfs where you got him and asking what they fed him and found out why he's so darn picky
I got my betta too last thursday.But if you are leaving for three days i recomened you get a atomatic feeder.But if he won't eat all those stuff maybe he will eat flakes or somethings like i said people are somtimes picky. :fish: If i were you i wouldn't have told the manager if you have fed it hikari pellets before.
But if you are leaving for three days i recomened you get a atomatic feeder.

If you are leaving for only three days, then I wouldn't worry about it. I have heard horror stories about those automatic feeders. Plus, I was just told, bettas are fine to go up to two or three weeks without food. I'm not say to starve you bettas, but if you are going to be gone and don't have anyone to feed them, they will be fine for a few days without food.

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