BES (, seemed quite good mail order place.
I always think people go to alot of trouble to put huge holes in the glass for sumps, I think aslong as you have a big enough pipe to allow the return water to get to the sump fast enough for the sump pump it's fine.
I would have the circulation in the main tank, and just a slow flow thru the sump. Just my opinoin, I think it gives more time for pods and shrimps to grow before getting sucked up the pipe. Also if you have the skimmer in the last chamber it will effectively over skim the water doing posibbly a better job?
But if you have live rock in the sump then you need a more healthy flow.
I think the suggested 1" pipe would pretty much cover as much flow as you could need.
Don't forget to put the adjustable weir combs low enough in the water, expect probably 1/2" increase in the water level to go thru the combs.
Be sure to post some pics, I have a cube and want to put a sump in..