Drilling And Pipework


Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
Uxbridge, London, UK
Ok, so I'm going to make a sump for my tank. I need to drill the glass, no problems here...

Question though, how do I attach pipework to the tank? I'm actually doing this "backwards" - i.e. my tank is LOWER than my sump; water is pumped up to the sump and "overflows" back into the tank. This allows me not to drill the tank itself (1" glass) but the sump (thin cheapo glass).

I was thinking of making a 25mm hole and using standard PVC pipework, but then I thought that PVC might leach (I'm not sure what, but better safe than sorry!)

Ideas? Also, should I use solid of flexible pipes?

(next on the list, find a pump that will handle an almost 2m raise!)
cant help on pipework but for the pump you could use a pond pump? they go up to 2000 gallons. i have a 250gph one in my pond that shoots water 15' in the air, surely it would be able to move water 2M
All the sumps I have seen use WHITE pvc pipes... fitted to "bulkhead" fittings through the hole.

Depending on flowrate you need, a cannister filter should give a gentle flow - but make sure its pushing the water, not sucking it to height.
Look at dealers who supply the marine trade, they have pumps specifically made for sump work - although the flowrate may be a little high...
Yeah, "bulkhead" or "tank" fittings. My suggestion though, go with at least a 1" bulkhead fitting (usually 45mm hole) to accomidate the overflow. Going too thin on the drain side will hurt you a lot.
Thanks, I've gone to Wickes and bought 4x22m overflow connectors. My idea is to connect on on one side to accomodate the water being pumped up and three on the other at different heights. Why at different heights, I don't know - but it did seem like a bright idea at the time :p


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