

Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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I've had my piece of driftwood in hot water ovenight than I washed it some more this morning and now it's been in my tank for about 4-5 hours with my cave holding it down so it won't float but now that it's 5 hours later I checked it and it still floats. How long does it take for wood not to float anymore? It also has a piece of slate attached to it underneath. Any ideas?

Here's a pic.. for some reason I can't attach images.

You might have to weight it down with a weight and rubber band.
I think I'll let it go until tonight and see how it's doing then I'll have to figure something out.
I've read and heard various timeframes. We have a piece of driftwood soaking at the moment and it took about 3-4 days to get water-logged and stop floating. It may also depend on the size of the wood.
my big piece of drift wood took 3 days. i took some water out of the tank, put it in another bucket and added my driftwood. This saved uprooting all my other plants and disrupting the fish! ;)
Maybe it differs by the type/density of the wood? :dunno:
I got mine "pre-soaked" -- it came waterlogged, wrapped in plastic to keep it damp. Made it pretty easy on me!
I proped mine down with some slate rock which I'm just going to leave there because it looks good anyway. :)

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