Driftwood Sinking


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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How do i get my driftwood to sink, it weights 2 kg . How long does it take?
If you leave it soaking in a tub of somesort after a while it wil absorb the water and sink. Boiling it sometimes help in making it soak it up faster! Some big pieces take ages to sink!!!
Alternatively, you can tie or silicone (aquarium safe) it to some slate and hide the slate in your substrate to weigh it down.
you could also drill a whole in it and fill it with sand then silicone the hole shut that could also help.

Bad news I have had a piece of drift floating in my tank for 7 months and still hasn't sunk..
Some people don't have the patience to soak the wood before putting it in the tank so they tie some rocks to it. You could be one of those people... :)
When i put my main piece in, i weighed it down with rocks. Wouldn't float after a week.
its best to hold it down in a pucket and lev it for sum time thats how i do mine :good:

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