driftwood Q


May 19, 2004
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Is there any harm in putting bark on driftwood in your tank? I already boiled it, and plan on boiling again. If not, what is the easiest way of removing bark?
It is best to remove all bark before adding driftwood, on fallen or cut wood under the bark is where fungus is most likely to be which could contaminate the tank.
Not only what CFC said, but eventually the bark would come off by itself in the tank (been there :rolleyes: )

How to remove it .... If you soak awhile, it should help. I'd try soaking it for a few days or 'til the bark gets waterlogged, then try peeling/scraping it off.
All driftwood is is trees cut in pieces. Anyone know an easy way to take off the bark? Boiling helps a little.
in my old tank i had peice drift would i found in garden, sat there happily for ages, i boiled it yer, and soaked so it sank, it was fine, i dont think it had any bark on it when i found it as nothing came off it anyway :p hope helps

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