driftwood fuzz


Feb 17, 2004
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Chambersburg, PA (USA)
Well the great-value piece of Maylaisian driftwood I got from Petco.com has some nice little white fuzz on it for the second time since I put in the tank. There is also some greenish color, but this could be from a jungle anti-fungus tab I just put in.

Anyway, should I get rid of the driftwood? Will this be a continuous problem that will jeopardize the health of my fish? Or is it just something that I have to deal with; do weekly scrubbings and the sort?

I already treated the driftwood with Melafix, then I scrubbed and boiled it after the first fungus attack. Would I be better off with bogwood?
The fish are the primary concern so if this driftwood is causing or could cause a problem (and you are not able to quickly cure it) then IMO it becomes firewood. I know some driftwood/bogwood costs a fortune so you might want to try to make it work but not at the expense of the fish. HTH
If it's real wood, I would not worry about it. This is normal fungus that occurs on new wood. It is harmless to the fish, just unsightly. I would just take it out and scrub it off. It may or may not come back. If so, just keep doing it. Eventually, it will go away.
Put a platty or a sword tail in with it, I heard this happen before and the platty cleaned off the whole log in a day. It might be worth a try.
Thanks. I'm going to scrub it off tonight after work. The swordtails don't seem to touch it though, but I haven't had any casualties so far. It's just really ironic that I noticed fungus when I was treating the tank with Melafix for finrot :p
my drift wook does it all the time. it occurs when u have soft patches on the wood...or rotting patches.

it will take months of scrubbing it off each time it grows to get rid of it...

it looks really bad...i kno.

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