Fish Fanatic
I have a piece of driftwood that grew driftwood fungus almost immediately about 6 weeks ago. I looked around online and was told to leave it be and it'll go away. Well, it hasn't gone away and has now appeared to spread to my plants. I also have a very thick biofilm that my 3 gardneri killifish and 6 corys won't eat, obviously. It is a 10 gallon tank that is heavily planted. Should I get some snails? I have pest snails but they aren't doing anything to help, plus I remove them whenever I see them. I love the look of mystery snails (and have some in my other tanks) but I know their bioload can be kinda big. Are nerite snails a good option? If so, how many? Would I have room for a small algae eater like a couple otos or siamese algae eaters? I would get shrimp but killis are notorious for eating them if they can fit in their mouth.
I have a piece of driftwood that grew driftwood fungus almost immediately about 6 weeks ago. I looked around online and was told to leave it be and it'll go away. Well, it hasn't gone away and has now appeared to spread to my plants. I also have a very thick biofilm that my 3 gardneri killifish and 6 corys won't eat, obviously. It is a 10 gallon tank that is heavily planted. Should I get some snails? I have pest snails but they aren't doing anything to help, plus I remove them whenever I see them. I love the look of mystery snails (and have some in my other tanks) but I know their bioload can be kinda big. Are nerite snails a good option? If so, how many? Would I have room for a small algae eater like a couple otos or siamese algae eaters? I would get shrimp but killis are notorious for eating them if they can fit in their mouth.