Drift Wood White Spots


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
:shout: I hope its nothing but need to ask!?!?! I have mopani drift wood in my tank and there seems to be little white spots on almost all the wood?It doesn't totally cover the wood just here and there. My fish look and act healthy as ever, water stats look great, and no new fish added recently. I set this tank up about two months ago i soaked the wood for about two Weeks to release most of the tannins, everything has been fine. I just noticed yesterday several white spots on the wood?? I have had the unfortunate luck of dealing with ich several times in my years of fish keeping i dont believe its ich but it almost looks like it without being grainy,the spots are flat? I hope its nothing any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I have had that happen before. It looks like mold to me. (on mine) I have noticed that where it grows there is usually soft spots on the wood. I usually remove it and rinse really well. I scrape the "spots" with a knife to remove the soft spots. Then rinse well again and put it back in the tank. Sometimes it comes back, but it takes a while if it does. (it usually doesn't if I get all of the soft spots removed) I am not really sure what it is though.
Hope that helps a little.

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