Dream Sea Water Aquarium By Resun


Mar 6, 2006
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staffordshire UK
whilst shopping round looking at corals this week i've come across this tank at a couple of stores only been able to find this info from the makers web site.

seen them up and running with live rock and corals etc they look really neat the price aint bad either £99

has anybody else seen them?

Never heard of them. And at the risk of sounding prejudicial, I never buy things from websites written in asian characters. I find the quality from such places to be typically severely lacking
never heard of them either but must say they didnt look bad set up mind you the fish shops aint going make them look rubbish when they're trying sell them :unsure: :unsure:

i will try get a picture next time i go where i saw them
HAHAHA :lol: Never buy anything in asian writing...Ah that made me laugh...All though I a lotta members are asian :shifty: . You should just go with the Nano Cube Deluxe. :good: In the U.S its about 124 bucks with everything included. :)
Never heard of them. And at the risk of sounding prejudicial, I never buy things from websites written in asian characters. I find the quality from such places to be typically severely lacking

Nothing wrong with Asian characters - I think Jackie Chan is excellant :lol:

Must be an very big Nano - You can get an Idol, Tom Clown & a B/Fly

Off to order 2
doesnt look to bad to me, think id be a bit funny about ordering it off the net from that site but if a local supplier has it id get one from them then if you do have any problems you can go and drop it on their counter and let them sort it out :good:
They sell similar ones to them in Pet smart up here. they do look quite nice.

I am sure i have seen those in a fish shop in bedford, they had them all stacked up and had one next to the counter with live rock in, i presume it was cycling. I didnt see a price though. If you find out anymore info on this let us know.
think the misses would have something say about that :S :S already got 3 tanks lol but must say this new red sea tank looks the doggies wotsits :D :D :D

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