Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco


Fish Herder
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
The desert

On one of the other sites I frequent, a member pointed out this item Tesco's are selling online.

Tesco's fish tank


It's obviously a novelty item, but it looks tiny and it's unheated and unfiltered, and they advocate that it's suitable for "goldfish, guppies and tetras etc".

Moreover, they happily announce that this monstrosity can be rinsed and refilled from the tap (no mention of treatments... )

The member has asked that everybody email Tesco's to voice their concerns in the hope that they may rethink the sale of this and that word of this is passed on. If you wish, you may do the same, their email address is [email protected]

I sent an email and recieved this:

Thank you for your email.

I am sorry to learn you are unhappy with the Office Fish tank we are currently selling through Tesco Direct.

I fully appreciate your comments. We aim to provide the best possible service for our customers and any feedback made on any of our products is always very welcome.

The relevant department dealing with such matters has been notified and I can assure you that your concerns will be taken on board.

Apologies again for any upset this has caused.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

I have also emailed PFK magazine to get their backing.

I have already written to them (being also a member of "another forum"). Keep it up, folks, the more they get, the better.
I'll e-mail them now... should off the site by tommorrow I would hope if enough people e-mail

EDIT - I've also made it aware to them that PFK know about this product.
So tacky, i bet someone will put a goldfish in it.
Tanks under 5gals want banning.
Why should tanks under 5g be banned? I run 3 and hope to get another.

It's probably bigger than what some people kept bettas in.

I want one.

To Timmy, it's not natural for a fish to be in a tank altogther.
Because they will put a fish in that tank that should never be in a tank that small.
A betta ok in a 5gal, i wouldnt sell any tanks less than 5gal.
But how is it natural for any fish to be in a tank? Do you see a long line of tanks in the wild? Could get hundreds of different species of fish to live well in a tank under 5g.

I don't see the big deal.
Jayjay you just want to turn it into an argument.
I think more of fish to put it in that thing.
Time you put gravel in and plants not much room left.
So you have a nice river size tank handy? Do you need gravel or sand into a tank? No I'm not turning this into an arguement I'm saying that saying a tank is too small etc. when it's not for many things is wrong.

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