Drastic Change In Temperment?


New Member
Feb 13, 2006
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London, ON, CANADA
Hi there everyone,

I have a Betta named Charlie who has always been very friendly and responsive to me. When he would see me come up to his bowl, he'd come up to the glass, wiggling back and forth almost looking like he was excited. If I got too close, he'd flare open at me or pose. I keep his bowl clean. I've had him (wife bought from pet store) for about 6 months.

I feed him either Betta bits or freeze-dried bloodworms twice a day, a schedule which he knows (or knew). He always ate quickly jumping out of the water a bit sometimes, and even ate out of my fingers now and then. But suddenly he started acting very distressed when I came up to the tank, darting around and not eating until I left sight. He's very obviously is afraid of me...he never comes up to the glass, never flares at me, just darts about when I approach. He still has all of his bright colour but has stopped building bubble nests.

Any ideas on why the sudden change of temperment?

Do you know the water stats?
How often do you do water changes?
How big is the bowl?
Is it heated?
Have you sprayed anything around the tank?
What kind of decor is in the tank?

It is not recommended to keep ANY fish in an unfiltered tank b/c water quality is so hard to maintain without one.
I would recommend going out and purchasing a proper fish tank, w/ a filter and also get a heater. 3gallons + for the betta and read up on the nitrogen cycle. You can find a nice 5gallon hexagon tank at Walmart. Comes with a built in filter and light.
I would also invest in a liquid test kit. Something that will allow you to test your water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.
He could be freaking out due to bad water quality. Or maybe someone or something could've startled him. It's hard to say without more info.
A bowl? An unheated, unfiltered bowl?
Perhaps you could invest in a small, heated and filtered, 5 gallon tank. Many betas perk up with so much room, and you could also put in some nice tank decorations for him to play with.:good:

You could post some pics to be sure it isn't disease.

Edit: Be sure you cycle your 5 gal before putting your betta in. Also a liquid test kit would be good.

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