"dragon" Trait In Bettas


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
St. Paul, MN
I dont mean to start a million topics, but I am full of questions right now. I really love the "dragon" trait of bettas and I am really tempted to buy one. I have a few questions about it though. I have been reading up on breeding for nearly a year now and am waiting for the perfect pair to breed. How does the dragon trait take place? Is it a mutation that happens a few times a spawn? Or if I breed dragon with dragon, will I get a full spawn of dragons? I want to know more about this trait, so if anyone has any info on it for me, please post it!!

hey Alex...well...about the Dragon Bettas...if you do mate a Dragon with another Dragon then the outcome will be 90% chance that it will be all Dragon Bettas...the other 10% is that you don't know what the grandparents of those Bettas were...it could of been a Shortfin breeded with a Dragon...The people who are selling it might be ripping you off or maybe not...you just have to ask them for yourself...but if it was me...i would get it only if its a MALE because if you try to mate them then the male will be the Dominate Gene for that kind of purpose. Female gene's are ok but its not Dominate to take over that Dragon trait.
Dang, Thanks Keng. I didn't know that. Im definitely gonna ask around before I buy the dragon, and if I buy one it will definitely be a male. Auratus thanks for the site.

Ill let you guys know what I decide on.

I really would love the Dragon trait in my spawn. whether its 20%, 50%. I would love to see it come out.
From a genetics stand point keep in mind that mutations are extreemely rare, They only occur about once in two billion base pairs, So you could breed any fish you chose for the rest of your life and probably never make this gene. Also keep in mind that if you do end up getting screwed genetically you can breed till this trait is true again, it will just take a handful of generations.
Been reading up on breeding bettas for a couple hours. So OPCN, you're saying that if I breed a couple of regular pure bred betta's, my chance of getting a dragon trait is 1/1,000,000,000? This chance increases with mating a pair of betta's with the genetic mutation, which would be making this trait purer as each generation is born, right?

I also read that when someone is breeding, you should usuallylook to themale for color of the spawn and to the female for the tail type of the spawn. True or false?
Been reading up on breeding bettas for a couple hours. So OPCN, you're saying that if I breed a couple of regular pure bred betta's, my chance of getting a dragon trait is 1/1,000,000,000? This chance increases with mating a pair of betta's with the genetic mutation, which would be making this trait purer as each generation is born, right?

I also read that when someone is breeding, you should usuallylook to themale for color of the spawn and to the female for the tail type of the spawn. True or false?

He means that its pretty much like a miracle if you spawned 2 random bettas together and got dragons out of it. About the female thing, the male and female make up the colour and finnage. I think dragons are Red x Opaque then F2 x something. Don't remember.
I was talking about bettas that do not have the alleles for the dragon trait, if you bred two of them and the Alleles formed out of different Allels that would be miraculus. Random bettas could be descendant from beatiful bettas. If you mate a dragon betta with a random female then he will have daughters and sons who posses the genes needed to make a dragon, simply breed them together and you should get some dragonish bettas.
Thanks Opcn. Thats what I thought you were saying and it was what I had originally thought. Thanks.

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