Violet Gobies like Brackish water
There are 2 different types of gobis - freshwater and brackish. Make sure you bought the freshwater type.
They are Highly Territorial with the same species meaning if you want to keep them together get 5 or more do not keep just 2 together. The stronger one will kill or maime the weaker one
Somebody obviously forgot to explain this to my 2 - they're still as friendly with each other as on the day I bought them (over a year ago)
Violet Gobies are also nocternal so you most activity will be at night.
Mine don't seem to realise this also - as soon as lights out they're back in their hidey holes and I don't see them till lights on the next day.
They will definitely redesign your tank for you - no matter how you do it, they'll change it. Everyday the landscape in their tank is different. In a lot of places they've dug down to the base of the tank and they lay on the glass (maybe they like the smoothness of it

) Everyday I have to cover all the plant roots that have been exposed by their digging and burrowing.
I feed mine frozen foods,(bloodworm, daphnia, mosquito larva - all that sort of thing) and use a turkey baster to literally put the food in front of their noses, otherwise by the time they've smelt it and found it - it's already been eaten by the other tank mates. They are very nearly blind and mine spend a lot of time bumping into things when they try to get around the tank. Contrary to what is often told, they are not predators at all. In fact they haven't got the ability to eat anything larger than bloodworm for the simple reason that they're "sift" eaters.
I've had mine since they were mere babes at 3 and 4" respectively and now they're about 7 and 8" (maybe more) and find them to be realy lovely peaceful creatures that are so ugly, they're cute. I

them and the tank wouldn't be the same without them - they're a real conversation piece when anyone sees them.
If you have any more questions, let me know and I'll do my best to help.