Dragon Goby


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
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Hi, I got a 4" dragon goby from a friend three days ago. It has disappeared into a cave for the past day or so, and I haven't seen it come out at all. Is this normal? Do they come out at night?
Not always. I saw some at walmart a few days ago in freshwater. Though they prolly were brackish to begin with. Though they all looked asleep, and huddled in the same area.
Exactly, Walmart. And, like most other lfs's, attempts to convinve people, 'yes monos/scats/whatever are FW, honest, and they only grow to 3"'...
there is one species of freshwater dragon goby and it is quite rare. walmart also sells green-spotted puffers which require a strong brackish environment when adult and will even live happily in saltwater. however, i have yet to see or hear of any walmart sell these fish with any notice of their specialized needs.

while i'm thinking of it, you should also be aware that all species of dragon goby grow to be at least 24" long and typically longer. they are not vicious fish, but they can easily injure smaller fish that intrude upon the goby's territory. dragon gobies, despite their large mouths, are filter feeders that should be kept on a sand substrate and will not attempt to eat anything larger than the tiniest guppy fry. i've heard that bloodworm, tubifex worms, and brine shrimp are generally accepted.
The person who gave me the dragonfish also gave me a black molly, a platy, five tetras, and a suckermouth. They were all from the same aquarium (FW). Also, I've heard that dragonfish get up to just over a foot in captivity.

Yes they are very nocturnal.
After reading this, I checked at around midnight, and the dragonfish was swimming around very actively. While he was doing so, I filled up the holes into his cave with gravel. I did this because I was worried he would die in there, and it would be pretty much impossible to get him out. For a while, he hid in another spot. Now, he has found another hole into the cave. :/
The person who gave me the dragonfish also gave me a black molly, a platy, five tetras, and a suckermouth. They were all from the same aquarium (FW). Also, I've heard that dragonfish get up to just over a foot in captivity.

Yes they are very nocturnal.
After reading this, I checked at around midnight, and the dragonfish was swimming around very actively. While he was doing so, I filled up the holes into his cave with gravel. I did this because I was worried he would die in there, and it would be pretty much impossible to get him out. For a while, he hid in another spot. Now, he has found another hole into the cave. :/
The goby needs a place to retreat to and hide. I would uncover his caves because they help him feel secure. If you don't see him for a time frame you might try putting a treat in the water (tubifex worms, blood worms). Or check on him in the wee hours of the nite. Here's a couple of links that might help.

Violet Goby aka Dragon Goby
Violet Goby

I was the reciepent of one via a friend that didn't/couldn't care for her's any more. She had it for a little over a year and when I would go to her house I always enjoyed watching it. Her's was very active during the day. So, I became the logical choice to give it too. Mine is all over the tank. He swims around during the day and nite. Right now he is in with my ACF which is working, but he will have to be moved as soon as my larger tank finishes cycling. My friend kept him in freshwater his whole life so that's what I've done.

I will be taking pics today of them and will post them hopefully this evening.
when I filled in the holes to his cave, I knew that there were other hiding places for him.

Anyways, I'll try to get some tubefex/ blood worms, and see what happens.

It's important that these fish are kept in sand, not gravel.

They have a nasty habit of sucking on gravel and can choke on it if swallowed.

fabulous fish though. We've had three of them for two years and the largest is about 18 inches now and has big jagged teeth! He was only five inches when we got him.

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