Dragon Goby not feeding

My Head Hurts

New Member
Jun 10, 2004
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Last Tuesday
Hey, i posted a while ago about a dragon goby- i got one :D ive had im bout 2 weeks and he doesn't seem 2 feed. I feed brine shrimp and blood worm but ive never seen him eat anything. Thing is ive had him a while so could he be scavenging at night?
Dragon gobies are filter feeders and despite them haveing big mouths they are terrible at finding food as their eyes are so small.
Ours constantly have their mouths open which can be mistaken for gasping but they are filter feeding. Is yours on sand? This is a must with gobies and ours have grown from 3" to 12" in 5 months. We have 8 in a 7ft tank and given plenty of places to hide, ie. rocks they have great fun together.
They need very very finely chopped meaty food ie, prawn, cockle and mussel and like i said, don`t be fooled by the size of their mouths, they can only take small food.
The chopped food should be left in a couple of days as they prefer it after a day or so. Mine do eat bloodworms but don`t seem overly keen.
Hope this helps. What else is in his tank and how big a tank is he in?
You can supplement your dragon gobies diet by feeding freeze dried plankton which it will take in with gulps of water, this should be available at any lfs that stocks marine fish.
I have one at about 10" and he eats anything. Quite lucky really by the sounds of it. :D

As soon as I feed the fish he comes and joins in. He even eats algae tabs and tetra's mixed tabs. Takes them in his mouth and sort of chews/sucks on them for a few seconds,, spits it out and then takes it back in again and just carries on doing that until its gone, or one of my plecs chases him off. He also goes mad for frozen cyclops, his gob starts going seconds after you drop a block in, same goes for frozen brine shrimp. He also like fresh blood worm and daphnia.

I also have a fine (2mm) gravel substrate and he is fine with it, sifting through gravel for food.

Good luck


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