There are two fish commonly known as dragon gobies, Gobioides broussonnetii and Gobioides peruanus. The first G.broussonnetii is a truely brackish water fish and cannot survive for long periods in fresh water, the second G.peruanus is found in both brackish and freshwater and can happily live in either provided the water is not excessively soft or acidic. The trouble comes in that both fish are near identical to look at with the only differences being the final adult size and that G.broussonnetii is a lighter colour with dark vertical stripes when adult, G.broussonnetii is also the larger of the two with a maximum recorded size of 25" compared to G.peruanus which tops out at around 15". Both species are filter feeders and can prove difficult to feed unless you have a good supply of small live foods such as daphnia and young brine shrimp as they can have difficulty swallowing larger foods, once the fish is around 10" in length they can also manage bloodworms and glassworms.