dragon eel


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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I just got a dragon eel
The people at the store weren't helpful
1) how big do they get
2)are they agressive
3) what do they eat
Thanks in advance
I' sorry its called a Dinosaur eel not a dragon eel
Dragon eel or a dragon goby? if its a dragon goby about 12 inches with beady eyes and quite harmless. they dislike light, like to hide in caves and a diet of blood worm will suit him well

good luck
I've also seen bichirs called dinosaur eels so could be one of those, click on the link in my sig to see if he look like my bichirs

if it is a bichir well

1) how big do they get

ans: 12" upwards depending on species

2)are they agressive

ans: not really if you mean starting fight for the hell of it, but they are good predators

3) what do they eat

ans: anything it can fit in its mouth which trust me is quite large

hope this helps

David :fish:
Ok thats what i have , but its only 2-3 inches
what should i feed it
hi oddball mine eat spiky fish, I brought 3 pictus and all vanished overnight into my endlechi so, I would stick to my advice anything it can get in its mouth


David :fish:
Oh i guess mines a wimp then! she refuses to eat my spotted doras (very spikey) she tried once and failed.......ah well, mind ya i once knew a cat that took a bite out of a cactus!

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