DP update


New Member
Sep 16, 2004
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I took all the advice given to me about my tank. It seems it wasn't fully cycled so I bought 10 feeder guppies and 10 ghost shrimp. Mainly to see if the puffers would eat em, but they are slightly too big right now. I tested my Nitrate/trite and ammonia on Friday when I put those fish in and it was all 0 except for ammonia which was 0.25, I tested it again yesterday and its still the same. Everything seems healthy in there. I changed 2 buckets of water just in case something was about to rise. Now that there are more fish swimming around there Ive almost been watching it by the clock. These puffers are gonna live dang it or I'll eat my hat.

One of the puffers have realized the mysis I put in there is actually food and he got fat quick. If I can teach the other 3, I won't worry as much. There are a few snails in there and I guess they have been picking at them, but Im trying to ween them from thinking thats all they can eat. I feel like I have children.

They are also starting to chase each other around like I've see the adults do, especially when eating, but I hope that doesn't start a territory war.

Also, do your puffers ever puff? I always think of blowfish in the ocean using thier ability to look bigger, but Im curious if the type we keep, that ability almost been bred out of them.
Glad to hear they're doing better!!! =) I've noticed my puffers eating more when I put the food in right before the outlet of the filter, so the food stays up in the current for a while. Also, using airbubbles coming from an air suply if you've got that will make it look more interesting as well.

The puffers Can puff, but believe me, its not something you wanna see ;) The "only" times they puff is when they're Very (and I mean very) stressed or when they've swallowed air. Both a bad sign :no:

Also, I think the ghost shrimp more than likely will get eaten quite soon, bigger than the puffers or not!


Try to give them bloodworms with the occasional brine shimp, I've heard a lot of people say that puffers can not survive on brine shrimp only. If yours still dont want to accept the bloodworms, try krill or something else. I think they will accept the bloodworms when they're in the current and moving though. No guarantee, I might be wrong!! :dunno:
I think you, or somebody told me to put the frozen food in the current so they will move around a bit to intice the fish. I tried that the best I could and they still watched it fall to the bottom. When they see the shrimp hit the water and float they RACE to it but then they just follow it and......nothing. The guppies however eat like mad dogs. I told a friend of mine im going to make a DVD called Tanks Gone Wild, just from watching these guppies eat, they swarm the shrimp and shake it all around. The puffers will come over and break up all the excitement though. Biology is awesome.
Yeah, but the key word is "feeder" guppies. Whats prolly gonna happen is they won't be eaten and they'll grow, I'll get attached and then all hades will break loose.

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