Dp Puffer Temperary Tank...


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey, alright I've got my 5 gallon hex tank last night and I'll be getting a DP on sunday! Yes I know it's soon, but it's either this Sunday or never :( So I've got my extra mini bowl(3 gallons) that been freed up now of 3 platys and a guppy fry and I was wondering if I could put the DP in that until it's new home is fully cycled, (matured filter should tank more than a week)...
Hey, alright I've got my 5 gallon hex tank last night and I'll be getting a DP on sunday! Yes I know it's soon, but it's either this Sunday or never :( So I've got my extra mini bowl(3 gallons) that been freed up now of 3 platys and a guppy fry and I was wondering if I could put the DP in that until it's new home is fully cycled, (matured filter should tank more than a week)...

If you have mature filter media then use this media for the new tank if you can as it will instantly cycle the tank. I wouldnt recommend putting a puffer in a non cycled tank. If you do that id be surprised if it lasted very long as any kind of ammonia spike would most likley kill it. As ive said many times DPs are intollarant of ammonia and are pure fresh water fish (see the sticky in the forum).
Hey, alright I've got my 5 gallon hex tank last night and I'll be getting a DP on sunday! Yes I know it's soon, but it's either this Sunday or never :( So I've got my extra mini bowl(3 gallons) that been freed up now of 3 platys and a guppy fry and I was wondering if I could put the DP in that until it's new home is fully cycled, (matured filter should tank more than a week)...

If you have mature filter media then use this media for the new tank if you can as it will instantly cycle the tank. I wouldnt recommend putting a puffer in a non cycled tank. If you do that id be surprised if it lasted very long as any kind of ammonia spike would most likley kill it. As ive said many times DPs are intollarant of ammonia and are pure fresh water fish (see the sticky in the forum).

The mini bowl's been running for 4 months up in my room... It's a fully cycled tank!!!!!! And like I've said many times I've read the pinned article... I'm well aware of everything that effects DPs, both possitivly and negativly... my question isn't about the 5 gallon tank (which will be done cycling within a week, I was the biowheel to clone some bacteria and I want the water to be perfect), My question is CAN I KEEP THE DP IN A 3 GALLON TANK FOR ABOUT A WEEK!?
Hey, alright I've got my 5 gallon hex tank last night and I'll be getting a DP on sunday! Yes I know it's soon, but it's either this Sunday or never :( So I've got my extra mini bowl(3 gallons) that been freed up now of 3 platys and a guppy fry and I was wondering if I could put the DP in that until it's new home is fully cycled, (matured filter should tank more than a week)...

If you have mature filter media then use this media for the new tank if you can as it will instantly cycle the tank. I wouldnt recommend putting a puffer in a non cycled tank. If you do that id be surprised if it lasted very long as any kind of ammonia spike would most likley kill it. As ive said many times DPs are intollarant of ammonia and are pure fresh water fish (see the sticky in the forum).

The mini bowl's been running for 4 months up in my room... It's a fully cycled tank!!!!!! And like I've said many times I've read the pinned article... I'm well aware of everything that effects DPs, both possitivly and negativly... my question isn't about the 5 gallon tank (which will be done cycling within a week, I was the biowheel to clone some bacteria and I want the water to be perfect), My question is CAN I KEEP THE DP IN A 3 GALLON TANK FOR ABOUT A WEEK!?

No need to get angry was only making sure you know :) Should be fine if its a fully cycled tank. Why dont you place the filter into the 5G so its instantly cycled?
sorry bought gettin a bit pissed :lol: It's in my nature :D... Anyways, the only reason I don't use that filter is cuz 2 reasons...
1) I'm using sand as a substarte and it's an internal filter that might suck up sand, also I need to wait for the sand to settle and the tank to clear up...
2) It's an eclipse tank, and regardless it's going to take about a week for the biowheel to accumulate enough bacteria to cycle the tank... I've got a small 5 gallon hang on filter for the tank too that's matured but the biowheel needs to accumlate the bacteria which will take a week....

Alright :D so I'll be getting my DP on sunday and placing him in the 3gallon temp home... after about a week he'll go into the 5gallon hex ^^

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