DP and Bumblebees


Bored into leaving
Aug 16, 2004
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Somewhere else, as I am banned...
I've tried to search but can't find a solid answer for this.

At a number of sites I have seen it stated that Bumblebee Gobies are good tank mates for puffers.

However, while searching for info on the freshwater Bumblebee Goby (Brachygobius doriae ) it said peaceful tankmates only.

Would this rule Dwarf Puffers out?

Next part is for the resident experts :p

Sir and Lady Minion,

What are your thoughts on the above? most of my starting points for research on DPs (you may rememeber my PM) have come from you - hence the specific request. Would they be alright with a couple of bristlesnoses?

As awlays, all help and responses are gratefully received :D (though I may not be able to reply until tomorrow, and even then after the Rugby... ;) )

Brachygobius doriae is a brackish fish that will have a severly shorterned lifespan in freshwater, the idea that they are a freshwater fish comes from that adults will spawn in FW and juviniles will live the first parts of their lives there before heading down to brackish areas.

The bumblebee gobie that can be kept in FW for life is Hypogymnobius xanthozona (which can also be kept in brckish water), the two can be told apart as the dark bands on the body do not go completely around on B.doriae so there is a thin gold line on the underside of the fish, the band form a complete ring on H.xanthozona.
Yep, what CFC said.

We succesfully kept the xanthozona variant with our dwarfs for a long time untill a heater faliure and resultant temperature crash killed them overnight last winter :(

For some reason the dwarfs just ignored the gobies. Maybe they taste bad *shrugs*

Unfortunately, we've never seen xanthozona for sale again so we've not been able to replace them.
just to add, i have also kept the fw variety with dps, with no issues. the gobies are peaceful, but theyre tough, they don't take any crap from any fish. i think mine actually may have intimidated the puffers a bit :lol:
SirMinion said:
Unfortunately, we've never seen xanthozona for sale again so we've not been able to replace them.
In a bizzare twist of fate, we've just got back from a trip to an LFS...and bought six new Xanth Bumblebee Gobies!

And what a price! six for £4!

Photos to follow.....
Which shop was that in Sir, I may be headed up near your way before too long (parents in Tiptree, often use it as an excuse to see the Swallows in Copford, or Seapets. Makes me realise just how big swallows at Rayleigh is, any way I digress...).

While I wouldn't be able to buy them until after xmas (don't want to set another tank up till then) It'd be nice to know where I can get them from quite cheap.
These came from 'Rats Cats & Elephants', the petshop franchise within Bypass Nurseries in Capel just outside Ipswich.

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