My three ventral boy, finnaly got some semi decent pics of him.
btw, what kind of colour would you call him?
The Three Ventrals(best i could get of them)
Thank you very much everyone
Wendy - Yep, its become fairly common (but not too common) to see Bettas with extra ventrals, i remember seeing someone here and their Pk had 4 even!
Awesome find!! I remember seeing a couple of fish like this on Aquabid recently, and a while back I saw two siblings on Aquabid both with 4 ventrals. While having 4 ventrals like that is probably genetic, I think 3 ventrals is most likely a developmental thing, but cool nonetheless
Thanks Syn
I was watching him abit more closley a few minutes ago and as he flared at my boy on the otherside, i noticed that the third ventral is actualy connected (like webbed fingers/toes) to the one on his right, if i can, i'll try and get a photo
Thanks You're right, they do abit, but not too much and i have plants with big leaves for him to rest about and other places for him to rest when he is tired